Casa do Sírio Gastronomia Árabe
A identidade visual da Casa foi desenhada em 2017 e a arte que estampa a embalagem dos pedidos no fim de 2019. O restaurante reinaugurava em um novo endereço com mais espaço e por isso o briefing da caixa pedia uma arte elegante em homenagem a nova fase e que principalmente, se diferenciasse das estampas convencionais de embalagens de delivery. Essa flexibilidade do briefing permitiu que eu juntasse duas técnicas/estilos que estudava na época, floreios caligráficos e desenho botânico. Assim floresceu a estampa.


Syrian's House Arabic Cusine
The visual identity of the House was designed in 2017 and the art that stamps the packaging of the orders, at the end of 2019. The restaurant was reopening in a new address with more space, so the artwork's briefing asked for an elegant art to celebrate the new place and mainly, it should stand out from conventional designs delivery packaging. This flexibility of the briefing allowed me to bring together two techniques/styles I was studying at the time, calligraphic flourishes and botanical drawing. So the print flourished.

Thank you! Hope you liked it same as I did. For more design and calligraphy stuff, take a look at my instagram as well.

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